Creative Writing Retreats

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A Quick and Dirty Writing Tip to Increase Your Writing Output and Satisfaction

Today's writing snack is such an integral part of my writing process that I assumed everyone did it. Funny how that works. But when I mentioned it in passing at a northern Minnesota writing workshop, folks made clear it hadn't occurred to them to write with someone.

Not co-write. More like parallel play, where two toddlers do their thing in the same room but not together. If there's no one local you can write with, find an online friend. 

The process is simple:

1. Check in with each other in the AM. Tell your accountability partner what you're going to accomplish that day (500 words, two hours of outlining, editing 40 pages, etc.) and when you're going to start.

2. Do your thing.

3. When you're done, check in with each other, being honest about what you accomplished. It doesn't have to be good; it just has to be done.

4. Be amazed at the increase in your writing output and satisfaction.

And that's your Wednesday Writing Snack. Big love to you! ❤️

p.s. If you used to have an accountability partner but drifted away, this is your sign to start up again. 🤓

p.s.s. A writing retreat is an excellent place to meet your future accountability partner. There’s still spots in the November women’s writing and yoga retreat in Colorado!