Food, Water, Shelter, and Hope

Last spring, an aspiring retreat leader reached out to my business partner and righthand woman, Cindy, to ask if she had any wisdom to share on starting a retreat business. "Don't launch a travel-based business during a pandemic," Cindy wanted to say, only half-jokingly.

It's been a year and then some, hasn't it? Cindy and I made the difficult decision to cancel the four retreats we had on the books and issue full refunds so no one had to choose between their health and their pocketbooks. It was a big hit, but we're lucky: we're healthy, our families are healthy.

plant pushing through tile

And slowly, so slowly, we're seeing a glimmer of a future where we can reconnect with wonderful women in inspiring, bucket-list locations, Cindy leading yoga and meditation and cooking nourishing food, me teaching writing workshops that guide you in claiming your voice and writing that book of your heart.

In the spirit of that hope, we've put two writing retreats on the books for 2021, both designed to be safe no matter the landscape: a virtual retreat in May that brings all the goodness of a traditional retreat to the security of your home, and a *very* small retreat in August, held at a roomy mansion with writing nooks and crannies galore plus a glorious private pool.

We're also looking ahead to 2022, making tentative plans for a nourishing retreat in southern Ireland, near Killarney, another in Verona, Italy, and a third at the majestic Gladstone residential library near Manchester. Hang on to your hope, wear your mask and keep yourself and those you love safe through this long winter, and let's plan on getting together after to tell our stories over a crackling fire, crying and laughing, together and connected.

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