Use Your Voice

Cindy recently challenged me to a seven day guided meditation focusing on our chakras. I enthusiastically said yes, because I’m all in when it comes to meditation, healing chakras and creating good energy. The first days were easy. I realized while meditating on the heart chakra that leading retreats is exactly what I am meant to do. Creating loving, safe, yet challenging spaces for women to grow and use their voice through writing is my wheelhouse.


Meditating on the throat chakra was challenging. My writing is a way for me to use my voice and I am incredibly grateful I get to do this. My books are an extension of me but the idea of connecting with amazing women, helping them express their own voice and then realizing how we were not able to do that in 2020 was painful. This chakra has some blockage I’m working through and I’m determined to unblock it. It was so intense I had to switch to a different meditation.

To help unblock my voice I’ve decided to look forward. I’m heading into 2020 meditating, dreaming and planning big things for you. Cindy and I are scouting inviting, dreamy locations and planning creating nurturing retreats. When this world settles down you bet we are going to be ready.

I invite you to move into the remaining time of 2020 opening your heart and voice. We all have a voice so we need to use it. Meditate if it feels right for you. Move your body. Cook your favorite meals. Honor your creative talents. Honor yourself.

One last thing….write. Never stop writing.

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